Monday, February 12, 2007

Sex and drinking- Should you?

Drinking is known as the number one 'panties/boxers remover' in the whole world. We all know that we should not drink and drive, but what about drinking and running to bed? We are not so sure about that, and those who have experienced having sex after drinking will probably agree and remember how big the mistake is.

Here are 7 reasons why not to drink and run to bed:

*The mature lover

The mature ladies love to have sex and like all of us they have that need. If we are talking about the ladies that are quite old, they have defiantly that need and probably have not done it for a long time. She will wait for you while you get drunk in the bar, and when you are done with you 8th drink she will get you. Some of you will say, 'great'. Ok, we all have our style. To each his own I guess.

* Unknown sexual background

She is hot, she has a great figure and she is willing to get to bed with you after the second drink...but she will wait until you are done with the bottle, so it will be more difficult for you the notice the 'extra' body part she has.(She's a He, get it?)

* Your best friend

You always knew that he is a bit different, and every time you have looked at a great looking girl's breasts, he was looking at her boyfriend's ass. Even though he does not fancy you, he will after the 3rd drink, and you start to have the,'I need some sex' feelings. After your 3rd drink you start compromising...and then you wake up in the morning! Now you need to face it.

* The Weight issue

She is sexy, she is pretty, she does not say no and she is about 15 sizes more then you when it is coming to fashion. The sex might be great, but you back aches will be there for years to remind you that moment when you said YES to her...when she asked you if it is ok if she sits on you.

* From the outside and underneath

Yeah, she looks amazing with that mini skirt and when you drink, you do not really get down to the bottom of the details, but the next day, just thinking about what you have been licking could make you sick.

* Act of force.

She looks great and she wants sex but she is also a very 'active' person. If you are into it, great, otherwise, you might find out that the woman of your dreams is a sado queen that wants you here and now as here little wick salve. You might find out that her meaning of sex includes cleaning the house and some other things that you do not really feel like when you are drunk.

*The sticky punch line

All went extremely well. You guys had an amazing evening, and you might even love her for that but now you will have to pay for it for the rest of your life (this is if you're in Vegas or something) as you were so drunk that you married her.

Bar advice. When they said don't drink and drive they meant it. This one they do themselves so there's no law against it.

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