Showing posts with label sexual. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sexual. Show all posts

Monday, April 14, 2008

Being Compatible

Sure, a lot of times opposites attract, in a big way! The push and pull of differences can create friction, heat and a whole lot of excitement in many relationships. Some of these connections last and many don't but for the most part, when it comes to finding a long term mate, the more you have in common, the less likely there is to be conflict. So that means you can also be attracted to someone more similar to yourself.

As humans, many of us find this really boring! Even still, no relationship is a walk in the park and it won't be smooth sailing all the way, no matter how similar you are. So, you might as well go for the fire. However, part of finding and keeping a mate means accepting and getting past differences and working on change when necessary. It's what you do share that will come to your rescue in challenging times. That's why it's important to identify common ground in every love connection.

It's the age old question of "How compatible are we?" Or, "what should I be looking for?" There are probably hundreds of answers to these questions, so here it's narrowed down to the top five main compatibility "musts" in a mate.

How do you and your partner match up when it comes to socializing? Do you like to be with and meet new people? Do you talk to every person you possibly can at a party? Does spending time socializing energize you? It's fine if someone doesn't have quite the same passion for socializing as their partner but if the difference is extreme and if one person needs to stay home to rest and recoup constantly, while the other needs to go out or invite friends over multiple times a week to get their groove on, conflict may arise. You and your partner needn't do everything together but for optimum happiness, it's best to pick a partner who has similar social desires.

Of course, without sexual chemistry most couples would never get together in the first place! By sexual it means early desires and later physical interaction. This initial attraction is the easy part but the nuts and bolts of making it work in bed for the long run is a much more complex affair. It's good to gauge your compatibility in this area by getting answers to certain questions. Are you matched in terms of your preferences and expectations? For instance, are you more dominant or submissive, expressive or inhibited, experimental or conservative? Is there a balance? How much foreplay do you like to give and receive? Is there a shared commitment to monogamy or is an open relationship acceptable? The answers will be different for everyone but they can be the biggest deal breakers in a relationship.

If you're planning on being with someone long term, know what their approach to money management is. To avoid unpleasant surprises, talk about it before taking any legally binding steps. How does each of you feel about credit? What's more important, spending or saving? Will you pool your money together or operate separately? Do both parties expect to earn an income and, if not, is one willing and capable of supporting the other? Do you love the person enough that money is not an issue between yourselves even if one lacks or has lesser of it?

Spiritual compatibility encompasses values, beliefs and behaviors. Whether or not you are a deeply spiritual or religious person, compatibility, or absolute acceptance and discussion of differences, in this area should be addressed as it could affect the long term development of a relationship. Is a shared religion and faith an important qualification for a mate? Can you talk openly to each other about spiritual topics? Does your partner have an accepting and warm response? Do you feel like you can support each other on a spiritual path? Is your partner willing to change for you?

Thankfully, this is the area of compatibility that is often easiest to work through, but can also be the source of much conflict. Is your partner up all night while you're early to bed and early to rise? Things to consider include;
1) Your level of organization.
2) Your living space preferences? (big or small, style, decor).
3) Hobbies and pastimes.
4) Preferences for sports and exercise.
5) Vacationing or staying at home.
6) Are cultural events, art, music and dancing valued?
7) What level of political or religious involvement in the community is desired?
8) What obligations to family, relatives or friends is required?
9) Where do you see your life unfolding? (in the city, suburbs or country?).
10) Is charity and volunteer work part of your life?

A friend of mine, Anne Curtis, who is a celebrity and star in the Philippines was just chatting with me yesterday. She's always so bubbly and friendly but people don't get to see past her celeb status. Question is, does she even have the time to think about all the points highlighted above? Maybe the most important compatibility in her case would be the "spiritual" one. A religious bond perhaps that makes sense of the world she lives in and whoever she's in a relationship with. So count your blessings that you have more going for yourself.

Bar advice. The odds of you being compatible with someone is far greater than my friend Anne. However, my advice to all and someone like Anne is, never give up the belief you'll find the "one."

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Bringing her over

Bringing her over once you're ready is a little hard. Guys that live with parents are going to make her feel uncomfortable if she has to go over. It's already awkward with you as an individual.

Now remember this. Have your place ready for a lady. This doesn't mean you need some insane "hip hop star" love pad with the potion of seduction enveloping every little item and cranny. What this means is you need your place presentable at every moment. Do you have old socks or pizza boxes hanging around? Would you bring a girl back to your pad, given its current state? If the answer is no, you need to work on that spatial hygiene. Now you don't need to be able to eat off the floor, but you do need your bathroom to not repel with its smell, your floor to be visible, and your general organization to be a cut above other guys she's been with.

Go too far and you look a bit like a neat freak but that's far better than looking like a slob. The worst stereotype about neat men is they aren't interested in ladies and hopefully, you'll be able to prove to your targeted woman that isn't true within a few moments. However, if you manage to elicit a lady's disgust factor (everyone has theirs, although generally, the closer you get to the toilet, the higher the risk) you can ruin a night's worth of work. So, take the time. Keep your place clean. Always. You never know when opportunity will present itself. Be a boy scout and be ready. If you have a small place it's a bit easier. Hopefully this girl is not so materialistic but just wants you for who you are.

Be clean in every way take care of your own hygiene. You'd be surprised how often bad breath is the date breaker. In fact, an offending smell is one of the most unattractive things known to humanity. Chances are at some time or other in your own past it ended what would have been a beneficial connection. So, considering we lose any sense or our own scent very quickly, it's best to play it safe. Assume you smell awful, and take the necessary precautions. Have a bath. Bring along some sort of breath saver. If you sweat, wash, and if you can't wash, deodorize. Aftershave, used in moderation can be a Godsend. Basically don't have any reeking smell in the house or with yourself. Being a woman she understands you're a "guy" and that will happen but she can't stand a guy not bothering to make some effort to help himself.

As far as fashion goes, you don't need to be straight off a Paris runway. In fact, unless you have talent in this area, simple is the best way to keep it. A nice pair of slacks and a plain black shirt is plenty as long as you wear it with confidence. Flashier things can get some attention but before putting them on you want to be sure it isn't the wrong kind. Simple is fine. Really. Just look clean and fresh and you'll have no problems.

Create the attraction, be playful and fun and extend your time. This can mean getting a number or email, shifting your locale, or any of a million other things. The main purpose here is not to bring a woman to bed, but merely to attract her. All you need be concerned with is getting her interested enough that she wants to spend more time with you. Best to do it with your relaxed and playful attitude, but if time is short, just get a number with little more than confident politeness. Don't worry about what comes later. Just get her interested in you to begin. Lead her in some direction in your life. This can happen at the same time, or at a later date.

If things are going well at this point you can shift quickly into physical contact, but at the least you should start introducing familiarities like hand holding and relaxed touching. You're building to a later point here, so don't try to take more than is being offered. You'll get turned down and likely lose a number of points and digging yourself into a deep hole. Just concentrate on establishing and strengthening your connection here. Again, that should be your only priority. If you really want to sleep with this girl, fine. That comes later. Stay focused on your contact with the lady. The rest will follow successfully. You got to first make sure the lady is into you. What do you do then? BRING HER HOME.

Her place or yours. Whichever works with the seed you've created earlier. Once you get her there, don't rush things. She's already basically said she's interested in going further, but push too fast or you'll turn her off and undo all the good you did earlier. Instead, take your time here. In fact, if you wait just a little bit longer than she's comfortable with, or play hard to get yourself, that's even more powerful. Turn up the heat all you need now is the transition to physical connection. If she starts heating up as well then you're on your way (you lucky dog) for some hot sex that night. You can probably tell because she'll be moaning or making some sexual sounds at every touch. Take that as calls from her to come in and that it's alright with her.

Bar advice. Bringing her over can be a job all in itself but the reward is if she stays the night(sex and all) you can blame the mess in the house on her as well.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Sexual fantasies

The only reason why people keep their fantasies to themselves is because they fear that people will think of them as weird, crazy or something like that. Sexual fantasies may involve having sex in a public place or with a friend's partner or even violence and rape. Women may have 'fantasy sex' with several men at once, while men may show an inclination towards the extremes of virgins or prostitutes. Sometimes it's just our own small fetishes that we desire.

Sometimes a woman who 'dreams' about making love to another woman may fear she is a lesbian, while a man who 'dreams' about a prostitute may feel he is betraying his wife. The actual act did not occur so there is nothing to fear. This is actually just normal human traits. It can happen consciously or subconsciously. Can we control our minds from the neurons that feed these cravings or desires? Unless you're comatose and not know what's going on. Even in that state we can't tell if someone is fantasizing. People feel there's a link to this and real life dangers that they can pose to others because of their sexual behaviour and thoughts.

Some people convince themselves that they may act out such fantasies in real life or even that they are mentally ill. It is easy to understand why some people might feel guilt and concern about their fantasies. Nevertheless, having any particular fantasy is, by itself, generally not seen as an indication that a person has a psychological problem or personality disorder. We all got some sort of fantasy. It can be general like being super rich, being a celebrity or having a dream home. The main point is that even if those fantasies came true you'd still have sexual fantasies. It's something we all cannot escape from.

I'll bet that even holy men have them as well. We don't talk about this but we know that everyone is human. They may suppress them better than others but now and again they probably arise. There's no shame in this because it's part of our human essence. In fact if you're in a relationship, my advice is to talk to your partner. Get this topic out in the open. Make things start to fill those fantasies up. Find out what he wants and what she wants. This is probably going to fire up your sex life so much that you won't know left from right. Your love relationship is your special resource that aids your sexual relationship. I just ended another session of cyber sex with the same girl previously and again she masturbated and enjoyed herself. This fantasy between me and her is just beginning.

Now let's say your man makes a comment on a sexy outfit you both saw in a magazine. He's probably imagining the girl not the clothes but don't be offended. Take it as a opportunity to fill his desires. Find a way to get that outfit or like it and role play what he wants. If a women is checking out a guy dancing she may imagine herself as the seductive partner. Make your own teasing dance when you get home. Don't go blowing up and arguing about what she was looking at and why she's interested in the guy. That all doesn't make any sense and your role playing fantasies is short lived.

Even watching porn together, and I'm not suggesting anything illegal, will help both partners experiment with things that one may not have known about or was unwilling to do. Sometimes it may backfire as pain may be involved. Do what you're comfortable with. Illustrated books can also help. The Karma Sutra has been around a long time. There are things in there that you never even heard of, tried or did. Discussing the most erotic fantasies could also put you on the path to some juicy sex.

Anything to do with more than the two of you, for example threesomes or more, is entirely between the two of you. This I advise against if there isn't strong trust between both partners. Many a time one will accuse the other of doing things with someone else without them present. If you're into this sort of thing it is always best to be with the other present. If the bonds of trust are broken it's doomed. Listen here. If you're getting the permission to be with another person sexually in the presents of your partner why do you need to sneak of with someone alone? This is the life of swingers but I'll get into that another time

Having these secret fantasies come true will make you and your partner have a better sex life. Nothing gets stale and people tend to stay together in the relationship a long time. Why go anywhere else? If you can't do it all the time maybe you can work it out to a point that both of you can do it once a week or fortnightly. Maybe you can take turns to address your partners fantasy that way there's anticipation when it comes to your week. All said and done if there's to much going on like work, then just have normal passionate sex. Making love to the person you love in a passionate sexual manner far outweighs any fantasy that's in peoples minds.

Bar advice. Sometimes staying away from each other sexually for a short time can build to a more eager anticipation. Playfulness and build up to the event will be a fantasy all on it's own.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

What happened to the sex?

What happened to the sex? Over time, without careful attention, sex can become routine and then fade from a relationship, sometimes altogether. Consider that the average couple has sex once a week. How does that bode for the slightly below average, or worse, those on the bottom of the fulfilling sex life scale?

While doing it less than ten times a year is the "technical" qualification for a celibate relationship, the reality is, if you're concerned about the infrequency of sex in your pairing, it's time to address the issue before it gets too late.

Sex is a normal, healthy part of human existence despite societal hang ups and prudishness. Intolerance for sexuality, sexual desire and sexual preference is ignorant and shows a fundamental lack of understanding of the human body. That doesn't mean anyone who has hang ups about sex is bad or wrong. We live in a culture that simultaneously demonizes and glorifies all things sex related. As such, it's no wonder so many of us are confused about the acceptability of our urges and what sex should truly be.

We do have to consider religious views of this subject but most people don't have a problem with sex. Certain things may be taboo but the individual has to want sex with their partner. If you want to have a healthy relationship, one that is satisfying for both partners and complete in its scope, it's time to face your issues and work through them or move on. Sex is the glue that holds a romantic love relationship together. Period. Take it away and when the tough times come, it'll be a whole lot harder to stand up together and power through them. It'll also be a lot harder to remain amicable and avoid resentment. We're human beings and when we're healthy, we need sex. It's actually good for us.

So what do you do if you're in a sex free relationship? As with most things in life, it's crucial to come to a place of understanding. If you look back over the time you've been with your partner, can you place where the sex stopped? Was it simple and clear cut or was it gradual? Was it the result of sexual differences or the product of a series of stressful situations. Did one or the other of you decide you "just didn't feel like it," until that became the status quo? These things tend to happen to married couples more but it can also happen to singles especially those that have been together for a long time. If the fire of making love is dwindling, you better do something soon.

You should consider how long you've been together. Monotony between the sheets is pretty common in a long term relationship or marriage and the investment is such that it's worthwhile to put in the effort to fix things. But if you've only been together a few months and you find yourself looking elsewhere or not looking at all, how much is it really worth to turn things around? Can that even be done? Is it possible you're just not the right match? It's hard to face, but it happens. Chemistry is complicated and you can't beat yourself up for that. You can simply address the issue and move on. While it may be tough in the moment, when you're in a successful, physically intimate and fulfilling relationship down the road, you'll know you made the right decision.

Whatever answers thoughtful analysis brings you, it's also vital not to blame yourself or your partner. Relationships are a two way street and both of you may have allowed this behavior to continue. That said, accepting responsibility for your role in the situation may do a lot toward remedying it, if that's what you both want to do. If you can approach your partner with an honest apology for your part in letting things get to this point, they're going to be more likely to reciprocate and to work with you to get things back on track in the bedroom. However, understand this, if you're not having sex, the problems most likely extend beyond the closed doors of your boudoir.

While it's possible that your sex free zone has arisen out of physical problems (if you or your partner are experiencing prolonged diminished desire, it's worthwhile to speak to a doctor), these situations often present a chicken or the egg conundrum. In other words, did you stop feeling desire first or did something happen to decrease your desire? No matter the situation, only you can decide if or when it's time to leave. Many sexual problems can be resolved with effort and dedication. There are some schools of thought that say "fake it til you make it" and the desire will come back. How you choose to handle it is up to you but remember this, accepting less than what you want in a relationship sends the sign that you're willing to settle and a lifetime without sex is a whole lot more compromise than it's worth.

Bar advice. Making love with someone you're in love with is suppose to be the best there is and cannot be expressed into words what the heart is feeling. If you don't have this feeling, you're in trouble.


Monday, May 14, 2007

Sexual peaks

The fact is that men and women don't reach sexual peaks at the same time of their lives. Here I'll give you the best of what I assume happens to both men and women at different ages and stages of their lives.

On one hand guys can start to be active by sixteen and so can the girls. Some even earlier. Parents in this day and age have no clue as to what their children do. Sure it's all hush hush but when they are out of sight and you are out of mind. Sex is something exciting to them because it's taboo. Most of them would have had some form of sexual encounter already. It could be heavy petting, masturbation, oral sex with some already doing it fully.

Most guys reach their sexual peak between 18 to 24 yeras old. This is the time that they have the most energy, are seeking for it and can go about it all night long. Women at this age are a little awkward because they are in search of slightly different things. They want the whole package. Relationship, love and commitment is their agenda. This is because they have not peaked as yet and having a horny boy makes them feel good but they know what that boy is after. A lot of them do have sex as well but they were actually better when they were younger at age.

Women peak sexually at the age of 32 to 38 years old. Lot's of times guys don't understand why she seems to be in 'heat'. Biologically, her clock is speeding up a little because even if she doesn't know it, that this is the last chance to be pregnant and her body is sending weird signals to her brain. It's not only to her partner that she seeks a sexual feel but even people from work, during commute to work even strangers that give her the eye. She tends to feel that she needs all this extra attention before all her looks and body shape gets changed forever.

Most women will be either going to get their hair, nails or face done. Even if they never used Botox, they may try it. Some go to the extreme of plastic surgery to get lifts especially the breast area. They seem to be running a race against time. The attention of some younger men also perks their playful and sexual thoughts. They don't really understand it themselves but they seem to enjoy it even to the point that some become hostile towards their partners at home because at the back of their minds he will always be there but they belive time is running out but for what, even they can't figure it out.

Lot's of women these days go online to dating and sexual sites. Not that they are going to leave their partners but to just flirt and get response from men to their profiles. Some have no problems writing down that they are married. This safeguard is there but they know that men will still engage them if it's out there. There are some sites that has them in their underware, topless or even naked but face covered. they actaul paste their pictures on it. Why that? It just adds to the excitment that they are letting every man eye their body and normally the profile write up is just as exciting. If responses do come they play it by ear. It rarely becomes a real date or sexual encounter but sadly sometimes it may happen. Most of them also know that they can leave the site and remove all pictures anytime so the safety of not getting caught is there.

Guys that do the online surfing of women are really just doing that. The fact is that if they got just one girl that may correspond with them, they will not bother to get a second or third. This is because they know that they have a partner at home and they just want to flirt every once in a while and not get caught. Men are also out of it once their sexual peak is over. They worry more about work and family than other women. Hence, some women's need for male attractive glances because the workaholic partner is too dumb to understand her position and needs.

On the other hand. Women are 'set' by the time they pass their main sexual peak or just a little further till the point of menopause. However, men start to rekindle thier radars. Somehow they seem to have back up fuel that reignites into fire when they reach 55 to 60 years old. It's not about the sex really but the advances of younger women flirting with them is enough for them to start reaching for the oxygen tank yet they carry on in their own way. Men will try to make themselves seem younger in public but when he gets home he acts like he needs to be rushed to the emegency ward. Why? Well it's a throw off so his partner isn't suspicious. Although nothing is happening he's not going to let it explode into a war. His peace is at home. If he feels there may be danger he'll end it quickly.

All this going on will be oblivious to both sides but sometimes it gets strayed and divorce can become the reality they face. Nobody wants that to happen but it could. In our human nature and sense of wanting to be sexually attractive and young we loose the goal. What's that you ask? We only need to be all thses things for our partner and ourselves to be happy. Loosing track of this may put us in a awkward position and we may loose all that we have with our patners. We are human and we all have needs that our minds and bodies can't seem to work out for us. It's all left to what the heart knows is right.

Bar advice. If you took time to learn about what your partner, male and female, is all about and you put them above all others then you won't need anyone or anything else to satisfy yourself.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Can Sex be good for you guys?

Erotic exercise is the best exercise you can give yourself and your partner. Erotic exercise involves the contraction of muscles in your arms, legs and abdomen. This is the same kind of workout you get at a gym. Now which exercise do you prefer?

Sexual exercise will always make sex a lot better and keep you feeling fantastic mentally and physically. Having sex two or more times a week can lower the risk of a heart attack over the course of ten years than men who have sex less often. (2005 Journal Of Epidemiology and Community Health.)

Erotic Exercise will improve your cardiovascular into a better physical condition. This will improve a happier heart.

Frequent ejaculation(April 17th, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association), might help protect your prostate from cancer. Ejaculating regularly could lower risk of cancer because cancer causing substances get flushed out of the body instead of staying in the prostate. Well than makes a lot of sense to me. Guys, please don't go masturbating every day because of this. Save it for the real act of love making.

Sexual activity is a great stress reliever. Satisfying sex can exhilarate a mood to high levels. Orgasm releases tension. Sex is a vigorous form of exercise. Having two or more orgasms every week, you will live a better life than those who only have a orgasm fewer than once a month. How sad is that?

Bar advice. Get going with your Erotic exercise. It doesn't get better than this. Remember. Sex can be good for your health. If you don't want my advice on it, well then, stay away from sex. Which would you rather be doing?

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Finding the 'Right guy'.

Are you being yourself? As long as you resist being your natural, balanced self, you will not attract harmonious, long lasting, or healthy relationships. Once you become true to yourself, you automatically attract the right person to you. You can access and balance own unique vibration of energy to reveal your innate power and beauty within to attract the type of relationships you desire.Here are some tips for you women.

You Broadcast Who You Are and What You Want

What you think about, you attract. When you are cautious and hold back your true self, you attract similar situations to you. If you think you are not sufficient, not wise enough, or not powerful enough to create the reality you truly desire, you will attract a representation of your own doubt in yourself.

Attract Balanced Relationships

If you look for someone else to 'complete' you, you attract an incomplete relationship. What you create is a partnership made up of two half people, that will not satisfy either person.When you feel complete and sufficient, you set up a vibration that attracts those with the similar qualities. When you reflect the type of vibrations you choose to attract in someone else, you will be seen and recognized by Mr.Wonderful.

Re-ignite Your Attractive Power

Balance your female energy to reignite your attractive power. When you flood your body with your own female energy, your body automatically seeks its original perfect balance. With practice your system will stay in balance effortlessly. This way you can experience your ultimate sexual and creative power.

Become Clear and Certain About What You Want

Connecting with your innate power and sexual force spawns a new level of self certainty. Your confidence will soar and you may find yourself achieving goals you long forgot. As you get neutral to foreign energies that compete for space in your body, you become clear, grounded and focused.

Follow Your Own Path

Life is a journey, and you have everything you need to create the most desirable, enjoyable and fulfilling journey for yourself. Take steps each day to reach your life goals, and you will not only be amazed at how well you will achieve them, but at how enjoyable and stress free the journey will be.

Increase Your Natural Sex Appeal

Everyone has both male and female energies. Sometimes someone from your past has turned off your female energy. It affects how and what you attract in your life. Practice increasing the amount of female energy flowing in your body. This will increase your sex appeal and attraction.

Your Attractive Force Within IS Powerful

Your renewed personal power will revolutionize your relationships. When you increase your own sexual energy you increase self-confidence, boost your attractiveness and create balance.People around you will notice a positive change in you. They may not put their finger on it but you will know why they respond favorably.Practice this connecting to this energy for 20-30 days and the results will astonish you. Have fun with a renewed sense of your self.

Bar advice. It takes a lot effort but the pay off is good. Why? Well, you end up getting relationships going at a better pace and level. All the time you spent saying the words "He's not the One" will never be said again. Women make that mistake and are left on the 'shelve'(so to speak) and don't know what to do after that. Wake up girl!

Monday, February 12, 2007

Sex and drinking- Should you?

Drinking is known as the number one 'panties/boxers remover' in the whole world. We all know that we should not drink and drive, but what about drinking and running to bed? We are not so sure about that, and those who have experienced having sex after drinking will probably agree and remember how big the mistake is.

Here are 7 reasons why not to drink and run to bed:

*The mature lover

The mature ladies love to have sex and like all of us they have that need. If we are talking about the ladies that are quite old, they have defiantly that need and probably have not done it for a long time. She will wait for you while you get drunk in the bar, and when you are done with you 8th drink she will get you. Some of you will say, 'great'. Ok, we all have our style. To each his own I guess.

* Unknown sexual background

She is hot, she has a great figure and she is willing to get to bed with you after the second drink...but she will wait until you are done with the bottle, so it will be more difficult for you the notice the 'extra' body part she has.(She's a He, get it?)

* Your best friend

You always knew that he is a bit different, and every time you have looked at a great looking girl's breasts, he was looking at her boyfriend's ass. Even though he does not fancy you, he will after the 3rd drink, and you start to have the,'I need some sex' feelings. After your 3rd drink you start compromising...and then you wake up in the morning! Now you need to face it.

* The Weight issue

She is sexy, she is pretty, she does not say no and she is about 15 sizes more then you when it is coming to fashion. The sex might be great, but you back aches will be there for years to remind you that moment when you said YES to her...when she asked you if it is ok if she sits on you.

* From the outside and underneath

Yeah, she looks amazing with that mini skirt and when you drink, you do not really get down to the bottom of the details, but the next day, just thinking about what you have been licking could make you sick.

* Act of force.

She looks great and she wants sex but she is also a very 'active' person. If you are into it, great, otherwise, you might find out that the woman of your dreams is a sado queen that wants you here and now as here little wick salve. You might find out that her meaning of sex includes cleaning the house and some other things that you do not really feel like when you are drunk.

*The sticky punch line

All went extremely well. You guys had an amazing evening, and you might even love her for that but now you will have to pay for it for the rest of your life (this is if you're in Vegas or something) as you were so drunk that you married her.

Bar advice. When they said don't drink and drive they meant it. This one they do themselves so there's no law against it.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Karma Sutra

Just in fairness for both guys and girls. I know some of you don't like to read so here you can get a better idea in the form of visual experience.

Pleas don't think that this is some sort of porn movie or something. it's been around for a very long time and the western world was really the one that brought it to light. These are some very interesting methods and advance ways to please your lover.

All of Bollywood have probably read it. Possibly even Hollywood. It is actually a educational video and gives better relationships and sex appreciation of partners.If you're into the whole romantic,erotic and sexual lifestyle then this is for you.

Bar advice.If you're not ready for this then I suggest that you go for the books first and slowly cross to the DVD. This sensual art of love making is also not know to most people either so I don't expect you to be an expert overnight.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Movies and your relationship

Nothing beats a romantic night at home with your partner, snuggled up on a coach watching a romantic movie. Stop at your local video store, or borrow from someone to save money,and find a movie sure to capture the heart of your mate. Here are some of the best all time romantic movies.

Ten Things I Hate About You.

A teenage romantic comedy, 10 Things I Hate About You is a modern day Taming of the Shrew. Set in a modern high school setting. Bianca Stratford is forbidden to date until her older sister, Katarina begins dating. Unfortunately for Bianca, Katarina has no interest in dating, until she finds a not so perfect guy.

Sweet Home Alabama.

Beautiful, ambitious Melanie flees rural Alabama and her high school sweetheart in favor of Manhattan's glamorous fashion and social circles. When her Park Avenue boyfriend proposes, it's time to head South and finalize her divorce. Melanie learns that somethings can not be left behind.

How to Lose A Guy in 10 Days.

To help land a big ad account, philandering Ben, makes a wager with his co-worker that he can mend his womanizing ways and date a woman for more than 10 days. Ben bets on the wrong girl. Andie is running her own scam and writing an article on how to dump a guy in 10 days and determined that Ben dump her.

When Harry Met Sally.

Can men and women remain friends without the sex part(cough..cough..cough)getting in the way? Womanizing, neurotic Harry and ambitious, equally neurotic Sally are friends who resist sexual attraction to maintain their friendship. As the two draw closer, they ask if they can they stay just pals, or will sex get in the way?


Industrious tycoon Linus Larrabee has no room for love in his appointment book. Sabrina Fairchild the chauffeur's daughter has spent her whole life worshipping the wealthy Larrabee family from afar. Heartbroken to learn that David doesn't share her feelings, she spends a year in Paris, then returns home more confident and poised. But when a burgeoning romance between his libertine brother David and Sabrina, jeopardizes Linus' pending business merger, the workaholic CEO clears his calendar to derail the relationship.

Some Kind of Wonderful.

Watts is a young tomboy who has a crush on her best friend, Keith, but her feelings go unrequited as he falls for Amanda, a rich girl with snobby friends. Unfortunately for Keith, Amanda's wealthy ex-boyfriend wants her back and is willing to do anything to get her. This coming of age movie reminds viewers what really matters.

Pretty Woman.

Looking for directions to his Beverly Hills hotel, millionaire corporate raider Edward Lewis crosses paths with Hollywood hooker Vivian Ward and hires her as his "date" for a week. Vivian gets swept into a fantasy realm of room service and boutique shopping on Rodeo Drive, and what starts as a business contract turns into much more. Can the poor prostitute and rich industrialist live happily ever after? This is a must see for women that think it's going to happen to them. Forget it. Even though I personally know a few ladies of the night that have married guys and even had children, I strongly advise you to look elsewhere.

Cutting Edge.

Spoiled but accomplished figure skater Kate Moseley is on her way to the Olympics, and so is egotistical hockey player Doug Dorsey. When an eye injury puts Doug out of hockey, he reluctantly agrees to try figure skating as Kate's partner. The duo gets off to a rough start but learns to perform as a team, and they soon become a force to be reckoned with.

Jerry Maguire.( Urghhh but fantasy for women again.)

In one of the best date-night movies of all time, a sports agent grows a conscience, promptly gets fired and attempts to turn his life around. With one loyal football client. A starry-eyed co-worker and her irresistible son tag along, the sports agent discovers that loving well while playing fair is the best revenge.

The Princess Bride.

In this enchantingly cracked fairy tale, the beautiful Princess Buttercup and the dashing Wesley must overcome staggering odds to find happiness. Giants, swordsmen, six-fingered counts, murderous princes, Sicilians, pirates, rodents of unusual size and even death can not stop true love from triumphing.

Dirty Dancing.

Expecting the usual ennui that accompanies a summer in the Catskills with her family, 17-year-old Baby Houseman instead finds herself in love. The object of her affection, is none other than the resorts free-spirited dance instructor, Johnny Castle. But Baby's disapproving dad soon steps in to keep Johnny from putting the moves on his artless daughter.


Bored with high school boys, best friends Cher and Dionne instead set their sights on college men. But the meddlesome Cher gets more than she bargained for when she gives a fashion-challenged student a makeover in hopes that her new friend will find love and happiness.

She is All That.

Laney Boggs, a geeky high school student, becomes a challenge, when she spills her books in front of class superstar Zach Siler. Zach's buddies bet that he can not turn Laney from an ugly duckling into a prom queen. With help from his sister, Zach gives Laney a makeover that turns heads and makes him think twice.

Sleepless in Seattle.(The ultimate)

Soul mates who come perilously close to never meeting. Although separated by thousands of miles, rueful widower Sam Baldwin and soon-to-be married Annie Reed connect through a radio call-in show encounter engineered by Sam's son, Jonah.It's a slow and wanting/longing for all natural people. This is the stuff that we all want and still find hard to achieve.

Blog Advice. Women are most attracted to these movies. Purely because they long for some of these things. They want their guy to be like some of these charactrers. Well guy's go check them out because if you want to have a smile on your face daily then this is a lesson to learn well.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Cofidence for you ladies. Know it now.

Remember Teri Hatcher doing those impossible splits right on the studio floor on Oprah's show? Sheer confidence! Maybe Carmen Electra positively gushing about what exotic dance has done for her body and bedroom tactics? A large number of celebrities have recently taken to a sexy alternative to working out. From pole vaulting they have leapt straight to pole dancing at the X Factor and they aren’t stopping at pole-dancing either. Our celebrity pin-up girls have been everywhere and done everything, from Strip-Aerobics to Exotic Dance Workouts, the motto is ‘Everything sexy goes’!

If all this sudden gush for sex is making you blush, you go ahead and click your tongue and hang your head in shame, no one will begrudge you. “SEX SELLS” and we are being sold it morning, noon and night through every possible channel. It screams at you from gigantic billboards featuring gorgeous demi-love-gods, pierces into your fantasy’s through the television and fondles your imagination with semi-naked bodies scattered all over the net. Life itself is like one giant, prolonged orgasm and as a woman you are expected to idolize those models and endeavor to look like one.

Sure you wanna be Carrie from ‘Sex and the City’ and moan and groan and roll around on your bed with a different guy every night, seven nights a week turning your life into a series of fantastic sexual escapade but you'll snap out of it. After all life is not a TV show and learning how to embrace your sexuality takes time and effort.

First impressions are important. Amongst the glamour of the TV shows and the supposed sexual abandonment, the skin and the G-Strings, women have to deal with mixed messages, guilt trips, religious dogma, body image, and misinformation. Sure getting your hymen snapped by 16 is a must, but so is regretting doing it by 25. Beneath all our external frills, getting laid is an issue women deal with badly.

The concept of‘Positive Sex is an idea not many of us have managed to fathom yet. Fornication is still, essentially a male domain, where women participate like whimpering goats, hesitating and interestingly enough feeling insecure about their role in it all. In general cases.

A majority of women swear by making love in the dark. Here's what I KNOW, most of us are ashamed of our body. Nudity is a concept we haven't been taught to handle well. Seeing ourselves naked freaks us out, and knowing that someone else is watching us naked, desiring our body for itself, brings to life our worst fears. This is the gaze our parents warned us against, this is what religious lessons have told us to avoid. So off goes the light, plunging everything, from ourselves, to that desirous gaze, to our insecurities, into comforting darkness.

The truth is that the darkness serves as a warm invitation to what Susan Bremer calls our ''Shadow”side. ‘'Every woman wants to take a trip to their wild side” she explains,‘We all yearn to seduce. But we've been told over and over again that to rejoice in our body is immoral, yet the wish to feel powerful in our sensuality, to express our sexuality remains.” Jane(a girl I know), a proud ‘Gentleman club’ dancer considers her sexual prowess to be her way of establishing her role in a world hounded by men.

This sense of power probably needs some delving into. As women suffer from their own insecurities. It’s a cliche by now but they all know that the world belongs to the testosterone thugs. They keep women down everywhere, be it in the boardroom or wherever. Slowly women grow use to being kept down, such that they soon become conditioned to not reversing the situation at all.

A positive sex-image, whether you use it or not, can and will alter all this most miraculously. Your sexual achievements in the bedroom can give you the kind of omnipotent confidence which oozes out from your personal to public sphere. For any woman with low self-esteem, the act of embracing your sexuality serves as a miracle tool for believing that she can have that effect on other people, in a non-sexual environment too.

The thing is, much as we try to shake it off, we are all sexual beings. Sex is important to us and it has the power to make us feel good. 65% of women in most countries do not, at their heart of hearts, take this idea seriously. Good sex or an attempt to have good sex, for them, is still a nudge-nudge-whisper-whisper issue. This attitude gets transferred from them to their kids and grand kids and so on, such that each generation of these young women grow up with the idea that every time they are making love they ought to feel guilty about it. This mystifying of the subject is harmful for a lot of reasons.

For starters it gives us a lifelong baggage of guilt, every time we think about sex. Every time we fantasize or our hands itch to masturbate we feel like a criminal. The constant feeling that sex is wrong or dirty leads to a negative self-image as a person. That misinformation means that when we are in the act it can be hard to enjoy it, leading to severe sexual frustration, not a feeling you'd like to carry around with you.
Ladies this discussion might go on and on, because of the trouble to face the fact that we like getting laid. All this has a very easy solution. Get in to your sexiest lacy underwear, devote tonight to unleashing the temptress in you and for once really, really enjoy it without any hang-ups.

Bar advice.You will like the results tomorrow morning.Of course pick the man you really want.